Sound Linear Elektroakustik GmbH • Steinbruchweg 12 • 33106 Paderborn • 05251/

Dry Hire

Sometimes it is just jinxed – the weekend is quickly approaching with a huge number of events and the warehouse is utterly empty…No problem!

We love to help out whenever you’re short on supply. From a missing cable up to a complete audio system – you can hire everything you need to get the perfect sound for your event. If required, also including delivery and crew who will demonstrate their professional competence by aiding and supporting you in setting up all the stage and sound.

The minimal effort – connected with this kind of hire – makes it possible for us to set the prices flexibly. “Fair Play” is essential for us because your client is your client – now and in future!

Nachfolgend haben wir eine Übersicht unseres Equipments als PDF-Datei für Sie zusammengestellt: *LINK*
